Thursday, December 2, 2021

Homonyms List

Homonyms List

Homonyms List

          By:-- Nurool Ain Ahmad 

Given below is the list of homophones containing 20 homophone words along with their examples. 

List of Homonyms


Homonym Examples with Sentences

1. Address

Sentence 1: Take my address and send all the posts there. 

Sentence 2: The Prime Minister is going to address the crowd tomorrow. 

2. Band

Sentence 1: I love attending musical band performances.

Sentence 2: I don’t prefer to tie my hair with a band.

3. Bat

Sentence 1: Her bat got old hence, she wanted a new one.

Sentence 2: Bats are usually seen at night.


Sentence 1: I love watching cricket matches.

Sentence 2: Sonam and Raghav make a great match. 


Sentence 1: He has a mean personality.

Sentence 2: I didn’t mean to offend him.


Sentence 1: You have to take a right turn to reach that supermarket.

Sentence 2: Her decisions are often right. 


Sentence 1: Rahul is going to buy a diamond ring for his wife.

Sentence 2: Don’t forget to ring me before you come home.


Sentence 1: There are majorly three types of rocks – Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic.

Sentence 2: She constantly rocks him to sleep.


Sentence 1: She loves red roses.

Sentence 2: She rose to the designation of vice-president recently. 


Sentence 1: It is not bouncing much because it has lost its spring.

Sentence 2: Spring is one of the four major seasons. 


Sentence 1: In hunger, he started chewing on the stalk of the grass. 

Sentence 2: He was detained for stalking a woman for long. 


Sentence 1: I wish her well all the time.

Sentence 2: They used to walk long to fetch water from the well.


Sentence 1: Before going to school tomorrow, don’t forget to clip your nails. 

Sentence 2: I need a metal clip to hold that wire in place. 


Sentence 1: The result is expected on any date now. 

Sentence 2: I hate eating dates. 


Sentence 1: Make sure not to drop any book while carrying it to the store.

Sentence 2: I am going to drop this year for my engineering preparation. 


Sentence 1: You have to fly to Delhi to attend that interview.

Sentence 2: There is a fly in my cup. 


Sentence 1: He used to send me letters when he was away. 

Sentence 2: You forgot the letter ‘E’ in the word epitome. 


Sentence 1: I don’t believe in palm-reading.

Sentence 2: You can find coconut palm in Malaysia. 


Sentence 1: There is a beautiful park right in front of her mansion. 

Sentence 2: You can’t park your car in the no-parking zone. 

20. Point:

Sentence 1: Don’t point your fingers at her on your mistake. 

Sentence 2: He made a valid point in the meeting today. 

जानकारी अच्छी लगी हो तो लाईक जरूर कर दीजिये! 

कमेंट और शेयर भी करिये जिससे जानकारी और भी लोगों तक पहुँच सके....

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